Norwegian forum for entrepreneurship in higher education reinvented!

This year’s seminar-themes:
– Student-run ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship (for educators and researchers)
– How can innovation and entrepreneurship become a part of your education? (for students)

The seminars are run in Norwegian.

By Gunn-Berit Neergård

In autumn 2019, the Norwegian Forum for Entrepreneurship in Higher Education was founded by representatives from 14 various colleges and universities that met for a seminar in Trondheim. At this meeting it was determined that we will develop the network as a competence forum for educators and researchers who have practical experience with entrepreneurship education. When the seminar ended in 2019, the participants went their separate ways with one plan to meet again in 2020. Then came the pandemic.

The isolation is over, and it is with great pleasure that we at SFU Engage pick up the thread again!

We look forward to replicating the success of 2019 and revitalizing this important network. This year’s seminar deals with student-run ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship. We ask: How can we best use an ecosystem for student innovation in formal entrepreneurship education? We look forward to an educational day of lectures, discussions and group work.

For educators

Read more about the parallel for educators and researchers here. (In Norwegian.)

The event takes place in Norway’s largest area for student innovation, Gruva/The Mine, NTNU Trondheim. The Mine is a meeting place for students and staff across subjects, subjects and faculties, as well as actors from the public and private sector. We look forward to meeting you in Trondheim, and hope to see you there!

For students

A large part of student life takes place on campus and in the teaching you participate in, and innovation and entrepreneurship is on the agenda like never before. An ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship on campus is important for students, but so can be wise to create links between this ecosystem and what gives us study credits.

We ask: How can we best use an ecosystem for student innovation in our educations?

Read more about the parallel for students here! (In Norwegian.)

How to join
Save the date Thursday 4th of May 2023, and register for the seminar via this link. The registration deadline is 28th of February. Tickets cost NOK 1,195 for educators and researchers, and NOK 590 for ph.d-students. Students participate for free. The ticket price includes the professional program, lunch and dinner.