Pedagogical Interventions in Entrepreneurship Education

This event is hosted online

3rd of December at 10 AM to 11 AM (CET)
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Selected participants are pitching their paper, based on the theme Pedagogical Interventions in Entrepreneurship Education, followed by a digital roundtable discussion.

There is growing acknowledgement that educational systems and methods need to move from traditional to more creative, interactive and student-centred educational models in order to change students’ mindset so they may excel in highly dynamic and uncertain environments. Yet, the issue of the most effective pedagogical method to encourage the development of an entrepreneurial mindset is an area that raises regular discussion and debate, as well as calls for further exploration. In this event we will be exploring different types of pedagogical interventions that can be used to enhance students’ entrepreneurial mindset.

As moderators for the event we have the pleasure of presenting Associate professor Karen Williams Middleton and Senior Lecturer Gustav Hägg.

Picture Karen Williams Middleton
Karen Williams Middleton

Karen Williams Middleton
Karen Williams Middleton is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship at the division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Chalmers University of Technology. Her research interests include nascent entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial identity and behavior, entrepreneurial learning and education and university entrepreneurship. She has been Faculty at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship since 2004. Her research has been published in, for example International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Industry & Higher Education, International Journal of Management Education and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management among others.

Gustav Hägg

Gustav Hägg
Gustav Hägg is a Postdoctoral researcher at Sten K. Johnson Centre For Entrepreneurship,  Lund University and Assistant Professor at Malmö University with a PhD in the research field of entrepreneurial education focused on how reflective thinking could become more integrated in the learning process of students’ entrepreneurs. His current research interests include theorizing learning in entrepreneurial education and career outcomes of graduate entrepreneurs through alumni research. He has also a general interest for entrepreneurial decision-making and the role of ethics in relation to entrepreneurship, more specifically to digitalization and the gig-economy.

Paper: Addressing entrepreneurial uncertainty through simulation – evaluation of an experiential entrepreneurship education approach
Annabelle Beyer, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Co-author: Uta Wilkens, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

Paper: Supporting Entrepreneurship Students’ Sense of Belonging in Online Virtual Spaces
Renata Osowska and Jacqueline Brodie, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland

Paper: The visualization of an idea: How to design a crowdfunding video in entrepreneurship education
Christian Greiner and Tom Peisl, HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany

This is the second in a series of event that Engage – Centre for Engaged Education through Entrepreneurship together with ECSB has launched online.