Get engaged with us.

Engage – Senter for engasjert utdanning gjennom entreprenørskap har vært et Senter for fremragende utdanning siden 2017. De norske sentrene for fremragende utdanning (SFU) er et nasjonalt initiativ for å anerkjenne og stimulere dyktighet i norsk høyere utdanning. Satsingen ble etablert i 2010 og er finansiert av Kunnskapsdepartementet. Det er i dag tolv sentre. Initiativet administreres av Diku.

Midtveisevaluering 2020
I 2020 ble Engage midtveisevaluering . Et ekspertpanel med høy faglig kunnskap og interesse for utdanningsutvikling i høyere utdanning gjennomførte evalueringen. Du kan lese Diku-komitéens rapport her. (Engage-evalueringen starter på side 16.)

Noen av tilbakemeldingene fra komiteen:

“Komitéens gjennomgang … ledet til konklusjonen at Engage har blitt et verdensledende senter for entreprenørskapsutdanning.”


“Panelets enstemmige evaluering er at Engage har oppnådd de uttalte målene de første fem årene…”


“Engage er et forbilde for andre nåværende og fremtidige kompetansesentre i Norge og rundt om i verden som søker å blande undervisning, forskning og praksis, og gjennom et tverrfaglig sett av interessenter på tvers av fagområde, studenter, ansatte, industri og andre partnere”



Hvorfor Engage?

Verden er i stadig endring, med økende tempo og intensitet. Disse endringene har dype konsekvenser for menneskers liv – for klima og miljø, teknologiske muligheter, forretningspraksis, offentlig politikk, sikkerhet, utdanning og samfunnet som helhet.

Dette komplekse miljøet krever innbyggere som har evnen til å identifisere utfordringer, viljen til å handle på disse utfordringene, kunnskapen til å tilegne seg ressursene og ferdighetene som trengs og tilliten til å være drivkraften for endring, uavhengig av motstand. Disse menneskene er endringsagentene, gründerne, villige og i stand til å gjøre endringer, engasjerende utfordringer med kreativitet og fryktløshet.

Ambisjonen til Engage er å utvikle studentenes entreprenørielle ferdigheter på høyere utdanningsnivå til å bli endringsagenter i alle sammenhenger.

Engage ambisjoner

Engage-ambisjonene er å sikre at evnen til å identifisere nye muligheter, viljen til å handle ut fra disse mulighetene, og kunnskapen til å tilegne seg ressursene og ferdighetene som trengs for å innovere til det bedre, blir grunnleggende elementer i alle disipliner på høyere utdanningsnivå.

Vi etterlyser en endring i hvordan universiteter utdanner studenter i gründerferdigheter som kan forberede dem til viktige roller som endringsagenter i næringslivet og samfunnet.

Engage utvikler utdanningsmetoder og materiell om entreprenørskap, gir råd om implementering av entreprenørskap i alle disipliner på høyere utdanningsnivå og legger til rette for samarbeid og nettverksbygging. Studentengasjement er nøkkelen for å utvikle et senter for fremragende utdanning, og studentene er med på å designe og teste ut nye undervisningsmetoder i ulike sammenhenger.

Engage har en sterk forskningsgruppe knyttet til senteret, inkludert ti ph.d.-kandidater. Gjennom forskning søker Engage å generere ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan undervise i entreprenørielle ferdigheter i ulike disipliner.

Engage organisering

Engage er et konsortium som består av NTNUs Entreprenørskole, Handelshøyskolen Nord, Eksperter i team NTNU og Spark* NTNU.

Sammen bidrar disse fire partnerne med variasjoner i handlingsbaserte, utfordringsbaserte og erfaringsbaserte læringsmodeller som grunnlag for tverrfaglige samhandlinger og komplementære ferdigheter og tilnærminger. Dette er et sterkt grunnlag for å utvikle entreprenørielle ferdigheter blant studenter i ulike disipliner. Vert for senteret er Fakultet for økonomi ved NTNU.


Øystein Widding, senterdirektør, NTNU
Marianne Arntzen-Nordqvist, prosjektleder, Nord universitet
Lars Reyes-Gjølme, leder for kjerneteam Students, NTNU
Sølvi Solvoll, leder for kjerneteam Research, Nord universitet
Elli Verhulst, leder for kjerneteam Education, NTNU
Håvard Engen, senterkoordinator, NTNU

Torgeir Aadland, nestleder, NTNU (i foreldrepermisjon)
Iselin Kristine Mauseth Steira, prosjektleder, Nord universitet (i foreldrepermisjon)

Kjerneteam Students

Lars Reyes-Gjølme, NTNU
Line Karlsen, Nord universitet
Ellinor Ida Jensen Kirkfjell, Nord universitet
Dag Håkon Haneberg, NTNU
Håvard Engen, NTNU
Mukesh Hasirumane Venkatesh, NTNU
Ingrid Fabrello, NTNU
Ragnhild Fauchald, NTNU
Simon Sætre Borchgrevink, NTNU
Vivek Sinha, NTNU
Vårin Vaskinn, NTNU

Kjerneteam Education

Elli Verhulst, NTNU
Gunhild Marie Roald, NTNU
Gunn-Berit Neergård, NTNU
Håvard Engen, NTNU
Marianne Arntzen-Nordquist, Nord universitet
Maiken Nilsen Stensaker, Nord universitet
Jicky Isabell Lullies, NTNU
Fufen Jin, NTNU
Heidi Grande, NTNU

Kjerneteam Research

Sølvi Solvoll, Nord universitet
Dag Håkon Haneberg, NTNU
Einar Agur Rasmussen, Nord universitet
Fufen Jin, NTNU
Gunhild Marie Roald, NTNU
Iselin Kristine Mauseth Steira, Nord universitet
Jicky Isabell Lullies, NTNU
Lidia K. Lindelid, Nord
Lise Aaboen, NTNU
Maiken Nilsen Stensaker, Nord universitet
Mariel Hjelle, NTNU
Marta Lindvert, Nord
Mukesh Hasirumane Venkatesh, NTNU
Ragnhild Nordeng Fauchald, NTNU
Roger Sørheim, NTNU
Sara Maryami, NTNU
Trine Åsheim Bernhardsen, Nord universitet
Vårin Vaskinn, NTNU
Ann Elida Eide, NTNU (i foreldrepermisjon)


Monica Rolfsen, leder av styringsgruppa, dekan og professor, Fakultet for økonomi, NTNU
Marit Reitan, pro-rektor for utdanning, NTNU
Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk, pro-rektor for utdanning, Nord universitet
Gry Agnete Alsos, dekan, Handelshøgskolen, Nord universitet
Marielle Christiansen, instituttleder, Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, NTNU
Lene Øy, Student representative, Nord

Vitenskapelig rådgivende styre

Diamanto Politis, professor, Lund University
Hans Landström, professor, Lund University
Candida Brush, professor, Babson College
Andrew Corbett, professor, Babson College
Ulla Hytti, professor, University of Turku
Riccardo Fini, professor, University of Bologna

Engage people

Øystein Widding

Centre Director

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 412 15 584
Øystein Widding is the Centre Director and a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Adjunct Professor at Nord University Business School. Øystein is one of the founders of the NTNU School of Entrepreneurship.

Torgeir Aadland


Department of Industrial Economics anTechnology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 957 73 628
Torgeir Aadland is Co-Director at engage and Associate Professor at NTNU. The focus of Torgeir’s PhD is on assessment of entrepreneurship educations. Torgeir is also responsible for finances at engage.

Håvard Engen

Centre Coordinator

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 48 044 088

Agnieszka Kurczewska

Professor II

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU

Ann Elida Eide

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 45 20 45 61
(I fødselspermisjon) Prosjekt: “Entreprenøriell Intuisjon og nybrottsarbeid: Uforenlige kontraster eller komplementære Ressurser?”. Formål: Å undersøke forbindelsen mellom to kontrasterende prosesser innen entreprenørskap – beslutningsverktøyet intuisjon basert på erfaring og skapelsen av helt nye kunnskapsveier (å gå opp nye stier).

Cecilie Haukland

PhD Candidate

Nord University Business School
+47 908 89 619
Tittelen på forskningsprosjektet er “Entreprenørskapsutdanning og mental helse”. Formålet er å utforske forbindelsen mellom entreprenørskap og mentale lidelser, og hvordan entreprenørskapsutdanning kan utnytte de positive aspektene av slike symptomer.

Dag Håkon Haneberg

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 959 09 622
Dag Håkon Haneberg underviser i entreprenørskap ved NTNU School of Entrepreneurship og i SHIFT-programmet ved Universitetet i Agder. Dag Håkon jobber med flere eksternt finansierte prosjekter knyttet til utvikling av høyere utdanning og entreprenørskapsøkosystemer, som SUPER, ENHANCE og FABRIC. Han har også utført forskning knyttet til studententreprenørskap og program for opprettelse av virksomheter og har vært involvert i studententreprenørinitiativer som Spark, FRAM og DRIV.

Einar Rasmussen


Nord University Business School
+47 75 51 71 53
Ei Einar Rasmussen driver forskning innen entreprenørskap og innovasjon og har publisert omfattende innen området akademisk entreprenørskap og overføring av teknologi mellom universitet og industri. Hans forskningsinteresser inkluderer entreprenørielle ferdigheter og tankesett.

Elli Verhulst

Associate professor

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 7359 0164
Elli jobber også hos vår partner Eksperter i team. Innenfor Engage leder hun fokusområdet Education og jobber blant annet md utviklingen av Engage Resource Hub og relaterte initiativer. Hennes akademiske interesser inkluderer design, innovasjon og entreprenørskap for bærekraft.

Fufen Jin


Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 412 15 584
Fufen Jin is a researcher in Engage. Prior to joining Engage, Fufen had undertaken numerous research projects ranging from child language and literacy development to STEM education. She has extensive experience in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. Fufen holds a PhD in Linguistics from NTNU.

Gunhild Marie Roald

Associate professor

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 416 41 021
Gunhild works as a researcher at Engage, with a particular interest in how educators from different disciplines can contribute to educating change agents for the better in their respective contexts. With a background in counselling, she is also interested in relational dynamics in entrepreneurship education, particularly in teamwork.

Gunn-Berit Neergård

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 928 34 506
Gunn-Berit Neergård is a researcher at Engage. She is leading the train-the-trainer initiatives of Engage, and is developing various teaching initiatives for students and educators. Her academic interests include entrepreneurship education for non-business students, nurse entrepreneurship, ethics and qualitative methods.

Ingebjørg Vestrum

Associate professor

Nord University Business School
+47 75 51 77 17
Ingebjørg Vestrum is a Researcher and an Associate Professor at Nord University, Business School. Ingebjørg’s main research interests are social-, community-, and public entrepreneurship. Her PhD was about the resource mobilization process of community ventures in the context of music festivals. In Engage she works on developing new courses and teaching methods on entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Ingrid Berg Sivertsen

Project manager/Adviser

Nord University Business School
+47 93485404
Ingrid Berg Sivertsen is a project manager at Engage, Nord university. The focus of Ingrid’s work in Engage is extra curricular activities that involves student innovation. Ingrid also mentors and lectures in courses and projects at Nord. Ingrids bakckground is a BA in Industrial Design from AHO, and a MBA from Nord University. Shes the CEO and founder of the company Ingrid Oline(since 2017).

Ingrid Romundset Fabrello

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 909 18 189

Iselin Kristine Mauseth

Associate Professor

Nord University Business School
+47 75 51 76 02
Iselin Steira is the leader of Engage Nord and an Associate Professor at Nord University Business School. She teaches entrepreneurship and teamwork at the master level at Nord University Business School. She conduct research related to new venture teams, learning processes and entrepreneurship education. Her Phd is on new venture team processes in venture creation programs.

Jicky Isabell Lullies

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU

Karin Wigger

Associate professor

Nord University Business School
+47 755 17 859
Karin is a Researcher at engage and a Aassociate Professor at Nord University. Karin is is interested in Strategic Entrepreneurship, Rural Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability. As part of the Engage team, Karin is mainly working on the following projects; ‘development of entrepreneurial mindset’ and ‘Engage Sustainability’.

Lidia K. Lindelid

Postdoctoral Researcher

Nord University Business School
+47 74 02 29 64
Lidia’s main research interest is entrepreneurs’ bonds to their careers and targets, as well as entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurs’ and their business(es)’ performance, entry modes into business ownership, and learning. Her PhD explored alternative entry modes of business ownership associations with the characteristics of entrepreneurs and their businesses, as well as with business owners’ subsequent entrepreneurial careers. Project: “Entrepreneurship Education’s Effects on Students’ Career Targets and Trajectories” The objective of the project is to establish a bridge between the world of entrepreneurship education and its graduates’ career decisions and trajectories. Purpose: To acquire a fine-grained understanding of how students make decisions about their careers and how entrepreneurship education affects their choices and trajectories.

Line Mathilde Karlsen

Higher executive officer

Nord University Business School
+47 755 17 006
Line is a Project manager at engage and Nord University. Line graduated in 2019 with a Master of Science in Business. She specialized in innovation and entrepreneurship in her degree. The focus of Line’s work in Engage is student innovation, social media and administrative work.

Lise Aaboen


Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 735 95 328
Lise is a Researcher at Engage and a Professor at NTNU School of Entrepreneurship. Her research interests include incubators, entrepreneurship education and early customer relationships. In Engage, she has primarily organized courses and seminars for the PhD students as well as book-projects, special issues and conferences.

Maiken Nilsen Stensaker

Project manager

Nord University Business School
+47 75 51 76 75
Maiken is leader of Engage Nord and of the train-the-trainer focus at engage and project leader for the entrepreneurship ecosystem at Nord University. Maiken is also working on establishing a Master of Entrepreneurship (VCP) at Nord University. She has graduated with a Master of Science in Business at Nord University Business School in 2017 with a specialization in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Marianne Arntzen-Nordqvist

Associate professor

Nord University Business School
+47 755 17 163
Marianne is an Associate Professor at Nord University Business School. Her academic interests include entrepreneurial finance, innovation and entrepreneurship education. Marianne`s work within Engage include teaching, research and development within innovation and entrepreneurship education.

Marta Lindvert

Associate professor

Nord University Business School
+47 755 176 30
Marta is an associate professor and researcher at Nord University Business School, where she is also responsible for the Master’s program in Entrepreneurship and Business Development. Her research interests include entrepreneurial financing, gender and inclusive entrepreneurship and the role of cultural/contextual factors for entrepreneurship.

Mariel Hjelle

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics anTechnology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 481 57 214
“The Role of Metacompetencies in Entrepreneurial Learning and Decision Making” Purpose is to examine how metacognition and meta-affection intervene in the entrepreneurial learning process and to increase our knowledge of the entrepreneurial mindset.

Ragnhild Nordeng Fauchald

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 990 00 448
“Experiential learning in the university entrepreneurial ecosystem”. The purpose is to investigate how actors in the university entrepreneurial ecosystem engage in students learning processes, and how the university entrepreneurship ecosystem can develop by using students experiences.

Roger Sørheim


Department of Industrial Economics anTechnology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 918 03 448
Roger Sørheim is a researcher in engage and a Professor at NTNU and Adjunct Professor at Nord University Business School. His main research interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurship education. Roger is one of the founders of the NTNU School of Entrepreneurship.

Sara Maryami

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Industrial Economics anTechnology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 485 01 657
The title of her Ph.D. thesis was ”Team entrepreneurial passion and its influence on team performance, opportunity recognition, opportunity exploitation, and well-being”. The purpose was to explore how experiencing collective passion among entrepreneurial teams affects team performance and entrepreneurial outcomes in the early stage of entrepreneurship. Her research interests include entrepreneurial teams, entrepreneurial passion, emotions, as well as the psychosocial aspects of individual and team levels in entrepreneurship and their influence on entrepreneurial behavior and outcomes.

Sigrid Westad Brandshaug

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 971 48 131
“Challenges in action-based entrepreneurship education from a student perspective” is the title of the research project. The urpose is to explore the team processes when students face challenges to increase our knowledge of the learning process in action-based education.

Sølvi Solvoll

Associate professor

Nord University Business School
+47 984 90 004
Sølvi Solvoll is a Researcher and a Associate Professor at Nord University. Sølvi`s main research interest is the new venture creation process, as well as entrepreneurs’ decision making, learning and ecosystem. Her PhD explored new venture creation in the tourism industry through the theoretical lenses of effectuation and causation.

Thuy Thi-Thanh Do (Jenny)

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 413 98 689

Trine Åsheim Bernhardsen

PhD Candidate

Nord University Business School
+47 41 55 16 35
Trine is a PhD fellow at ENGAGE and Nord University. She has an academic background from Nord university and NTNU, holding a Bachelor in export marketing and a MBA. Her prior work experience spans from a technology start-up, via software testing, to student advising. Her research interests include innovation and entrepreneurship education, sustainability, team work, learning, mindset and the regional role of the universities in educating change agents.

Vivek Sinha

Innovation Manager

Nord University Business School
+47 7359 3123

Vårin Vaskinn

PhD Candidate

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT), NTNU
+47 911 47 562