EE Explore: Exploring entrepreneurship educations digitally

By Line M. Karlsen

EE Explore is a collaboration between Engage and ECSB – European Council for small Business and Entrepreneurship – a virtual platform for research interaction globally about Entrepreneurship Education. We arrange a series of online events about the topic, towards ECSB’s 3E conference in May 2021. Once a year ECSB arrange the 3E conference about Entrepreneurship Education, that in May 2020 was cancelled because of the COVID-19 crisis. In this site you will find information about upcoming events and how you can join them.

Upcomming event:
28. january: Unsettling Entrepreneurship Education!

Previous Event
17. desember: Storytelling
3. desember: Pedagogical Interventions in Entrepreneurship Education

Developing entrepreneurial mindsets through education
The first EE Explore event was hold on the 24th of September and was based on the theme of the cancelled 3E conference in May 2020, Developing entrepreneurial mindsets through education. Four participants pitched their paper followed by a roundtable discussion – with professor Andrew Corbett and professor Jeffery McMullen as moderators. Read more about the previous event

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