In a world that deeply values musical products, but are used to not paying for it - how can musicians secure a livelihood? They need to learn entrepreneurial skills.
Engage contributes to a new book by sharing Norwegian entrepreneurship practices in three chapters highlighting the CERN Screening Week, the Blast off Week at Nord and the Venture Creation Program at NTNU.
Engage has become a world-leading centre for entrepreneurship education and has recently been granted an extended period of 5 years. What have we done and what is the future plans of Engage?
EE Explore is a collaboration between Engage and ECSB – European Council for small Business and Entrepreneurship – a virtual platform for research interaction globally about Entrepreneurship Education. We arrange a series of online events about the topic, towards ECSB’s 3E conference in May 2021.
This book is written for these teachers, program managers and university administrators. By reading this book, they will learn how eleven other European universities decided to solve this task and learn from their experiences.
Mette Mari Wold Johnsen had a talk with Sigrid Westad Brandshaug, Maiken Spjelkevik and Stina Kånhoff about virtual teams and how they can succeed in our latest Engage Talk.
Engage talk is new concept on Facebook that Engage is trying out. The concept is a digital series in the field of entrepreneurship where we highlight current topics that can be useful for professionals, experts and businesses. The goal is to connect these different actors.